Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Catleyas #13

Some books are just what one needs sometimes to find a new life direction, they are also a way to learn about oneself. By reading Proust's "La Recherche du temps perdu", I did find what used to be the ultimate book to me. The feelings, the impressions, the sounds, the colours, the paintings are there in such a delicate way one has the sensation to be travelling on an art Nouveau railway ... Here some excerpts about love and flowers ..not ordinary flowers, flowers of lust , libertines ...

cat2, originally uploaded by zapcomix.

"Elle tenait à la main un bouquet de catleyas et Swann vit, sous sa fanchon de dentelle, qu'elle avait dans les cheveux des fleurs de cette même orchidée attachées à une aigrette en plumes de cygnes. Elle était habillée sous sa mantille, d'un flot de velours noir qui, par un rattrapé oblique, découvrait en un large triangle le bas d'une jupe de faille blanche et laissait voir un empiècement, également de faille blanche, à l'ouverture du corsage décolleté, où étaient enfoncées d'autres fleurs de catleyas."

cat, originally uploaded by zapcomix.

"...on the following days he used the same pretext. If she had catleyas on her blouse he said : " It is a shame, this evening, the catleyas do not need to be arranged, they haven't been displaced as theyhad been the other evening ; it seems however to me that this one is not very straight. Can I see whether they smell better than the others? Or, if she did not have any: " Oh! no catleyas this evening, no reasons for my small arrangements " So that, for a time, the order which he has followed the first evening remained unchanged, beginning by contacts fingers and lips upon the throat of Odette, and it was in thisway that, each time, the caresses began; and much later, when the arrangement (or the ritual show of arrangement) of the catleyas had for a long time fallen in disuse, the metaphor " to make catleya ", become a simple term which they employed, without thinking, when they wanted to signify the act of the physical possession." (Marcel Proust.)


Blogger jeanette said...

Je viens de découvrir Proust lisant Un amour de Swann.
Bravo et merci pour votre magnifique Song of rememberance.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J'ai beaucoup aimé votre texte sur Proust et Les catleyas. Je relis en ce moment LA RECHERCHE avec un plaisir identique à sa première lecture. C'est le livre que j'emporterais avec moi si je partais pour une île déserte...
Martine - Bruxelles

10:06 AM  

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