Friday, September 17, 2004

People all over the world ... #16

Through the years I have been suscribing to a few internet lists through which I had contacts with people who shared my interests. But there was - it does not exist anymore unfortunately for those of you interested- one list dedicated to Jonathan Richman which was not "just another story from America" (1).
There I made true friends, met some erratic characters too, but those friends stay unique to me.. funny how the community of this singer's fans made me know and sometimes meet people with whom there was nearly immediately a special link.. it hardly ever happened to me with anyone from another list...

This is how I met Ms. Xkwizit, a very good friend of mine. She has a contagious sense of humor and manages literally to translate the sound of her voice in the words she is writing. The faces she provides when wanting to express emphatically her feelings using her eyes rolling upwards and downwards are just irresistible. She is also a TV star as can be witnessed below .. Ahahaha !

Ms_X on TV, originally uploaded by zapcomix.

We have had some good laughs together and I appreciate the swiftness of her mind, not mentionning taht she is A stunner. The unpredictability in her tastes wins me all the time .. always a surprise to me .. For instance she still has not read the whole set of Proust's "A la recherche du temps perdu", on the other hand, right now, she is surfing on a little wagon in salt mines, an unexpected hobby.
When Xkwisit used to live in Az, I was always eager to get some mail from her detailing to me how her road-movie type of life was going on. I know her talents will provide more surprises in the future. Speaking with her is a good anti stress medicin. she is my friend on the West coast. I have other friends on the East coast as well as in the middle of the US, I'll try to write about them too one day. All of them have Jonathan as a common factor, he should not be forgotten for that very reason at least.

(1) Elliot Murphy

Having read "Da Vinci's code", I am now convinced that there exists in our world a conspiracy of people who are convinced that conspiracies exist.


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