Going West #64
Last week I visited a bit of the Far West, the country of cow boys and Indians as in the movies I had watched during my teens.
In Santa Fe the historic Route 66 is a good starting point..
After having passed the Chaco Canyon, I reached a town lost in nowhere land which came by the name of Farmington, scary and only one brewery which was a burger joint actually to get some dinner. But next day after having gone by Ship rock and the Mexican hat, I was seeing this ..
Welcome to Monument Valley..
Yes it is like in "Stagecoach" , the good are coming from the right of the screen, the bad and the Indians from the left and the stagecoach goes sraight ahead on that very road.
Everywhere around me the mesas are displaying their majestic highness. Colours are changing as the sun goes down. The variety of reds and yellows seem to be infinite.
This is Navajo country and apart from selling nice bracelets and necklaces made of silver and turquoise they do very good food like this Navajo taco.
In Santa Fe the historic Route 66 is a good starting point..
After having passed the Chaco Canyon, I reached a town lost in nowhere land which came by the name of Farmington, scary and only one brewery which was a burger joint actually to get some dinner. But next day after having gone by Ship rock and the Mexican hat, I was seeing this ..
Welcome to Monument Valley..
Yes it is like in "Stagecoach" , the good are coming from the right of the screen, the bad and the Indians from the left and the stagecoach goes sraight ahead on that very road.
had been shooting his western movies.
Everywhere around me the mesas are displaying their majestic highness. Colours are changing as the sun goes down. The variety of reds and yellows seem to be infinite.
Look at this magic sunset, the sky is irridiating a crimson dough which eats the greyness of the clouds like some surrealistic reversed oven,
This is Navajo country and apart from selling nice bracelets and necklaces made of silver and turquoise they do very good food like this Navajo taco.